MCQ Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 5 Thermodynamics Advertisement MCQ’s For All Chapters – Chemistry Class 11th 1. Which of the following relations is correct for an adiabatic process? P∆V = 0∆U = q∆q = 0q = + wQuestion 1 of 92. A system absorbs 500 kJ heat and performs 250 kJ work on the surroundings. The increase in internal energy of the system is: 250 kJ750 kJ500 kJ1000 kJQuestion 2 of 93. The enthalpies of all elements in their standard states arenegativezeroinfinitepositiveQuestion 3 of 94. If q amount of heat is supplied to a system, the work done by the system is w . What is the change in internal energy of the system?ΔU = q - wΔU = q / wΔU = q + wΔU = q x wQuestion 4 of 95. The internal energy of a system isKinetic as well as potential energyPotential energy onlyUnpredictableKinetic energy onlyQuestion 5 of 96. The process in which no exchange of heat takes place between system and surrounding is known asAdiabatic processIsothermal processIsobaric processIsochoric processQuestion 6 of 97. Evaporation of water is:An exothermic change.A process accompanied by chemical reaction.An endothermic change.A process in which no heat changes occur.Question 7 of 98. Which of the following is a state function?HeatInternal energyPressureVolumeQuestion 8 of 99. Tea placed in a closed vessel is an example of isolated systemclosed systeminsulated systemopen systemQuestion 9 of 9 Loading...
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