MCQ Class 10 English Chapter 6 The Making of a Scientist Advertisement Footprints Without FeetMCQ’s For All Chapters – Footprints Without Feet Class 10th 1. Name Richard’s college room mateJohnJames R. WongJackJeffQuestion 1 of 232. What did Richard’s dad do?scientistdoctorhe was dead teacherQuestion 2 of 233. Name Ebright’s social science teacher.Mr WeihererDr Urquhart James R Wong TaplowQuestion 3 of 234. How many gold spots were there on a Monarch pupa?10151112Question 4 of 235. In which class was Ebright when he lost at the county science fair?5874Question 5 of 236. What groundbreaking research did Ebright do?working of body working of DNA Working of heart none of the aboveQuestion 6 of 237. He was an excellent _____debatorscientistphotographerall of the aboveQuestion 7 of 238. Who did he write to get an idea for a real science experiment?his mother his friend Dr Frederick A. Urquhart none of the aboveQuestion 8 of 239. Which butterlies were not eaten by birds?viceroymonarchall of the above none of the aboveQuestion 9 of 2310. He tried to grow _____ in the presence of bettiesbutterfliescatterpillarratssnakesQuestion 10 of 2311. What did he collect during his childhood?coinsrocksbutterfliesall of the aboveQuestion 11 of 2312. When did he find the cause of a viral disease common among caterpillars?in the 7th grade in the 8th grade in college none of the aboveQuestion 12 of 2313. How many species of butterflies had he collected till second grade?20212425Question 13 of 2314. What was he fond of in his childhood?basketballcollecting things baseballnone of the aboveQuestion 14 of 2315. “It was his fascination for _____ that opened the world of science to him.”catsdogsbirdsbutterfliesQuestion 15 of 2316. Which of the following is a part of the life cycle of butterflies?eggcaterpillarpupaall of the aboveQuestion 16 of 2317. At what grade did Richard get a hint of what real science is?fourth grade fifth grade sixth grade seventh gradeQuestion 17 of 2318. Ebright is an expert………….scientistdebatorphotographerall of the aboveQuestion 18 of 2319. Which book did Ebright’s mother give him to?Travels of Monarch X Travels of Ebright Travels of Dr Urquhart Travels of Viceroy XQuestion 19 of 2320. Which of the following is a type of butterflies?viceroymonarchboth (a) and (b) none of the aboveQuestion 20 of 2321. Ebright tried to grow caterpillars in the presence of :beetlessnakeswaspsall of the aboveQuestion 21 of 2322. Who encouraged Ebright in his interest in learning?his mother his father his brother his teacherQuestion 22 of 2323. Richard H. Ebright was famous :singerscientistdoctorengineerQuestion 23 of 23 Loading...
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