Project Assistant (contractual) Recruitment in
Date For Directorate of Floricultural Research (DFR) Recruitment
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Directorate of Floricultural Research (DFR)
vacancy :
Directorate of Floricultural Research-DFR (Pune, Maharashtra) recruits Project Assistant posts. or Graduate candidates can apply.
Directorate of Floricultural Research (DFR)
The establishment of an independent institute ‘Directorate of Floricultural Research’ by ICAR at Pusa, New Delhi, was a positive step to strengthen the existing network of AICRP on Floriculture and also in making them more focussed and research oriented. Newly established Directorate of Floricultural Research with the help of AICRP network is playing an important role in strengthening floricultural research and augmenting the technological base in floriculture in different regions of the country. Outreach of the technologies and creating awareness about the benefits of practicing floriculture among rural population is the need of the hour, which would be achieved through the network of coordinated centres spread all over the country.
To harness the research and development activities in flower crops and landscape gardening for promotion of domestic and export markets.
To carry out research, impart education, conduct outreach programmes in floriculture and landscaping with national and international partners for enhancing the production, productivity, profitability besides alleviating the rural poverty.
Effective management, enhancement, evaluation of genetic resources and development of improved cultivars, with high quality characteristics for export, productivity and resistance to pests and diseases.
To undertake basic, applied and strategic research for addressing national problems, enhance productivity, shelf life, product diversification and value addition.
To develop technologies for protected cultivation of flowers.
To act as a repository of scientific technology and information relevant to floriculture and develop region specific technologies.
To frame policy research and intensify outreach programme. To act as advanced centre for training for upgradation of scientific manpower in modern technologies related to flower production.
To collaborate with relevant national and international agencies to bring synergy between the technologies.
Website Address:
Contact Us:ICAR – Directorate of Floricultural Research
College of Agriculture Campus, Shivaji Nagar, Pune-411005
Ph 020-25537024, Email,
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