
University College London

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University College London – UCL

University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT UK

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About UCL

Founded in 1826 in the heart of London, UCL is London’s leading multidisciplinary university, with more than 16,000 staff and 50,000 students from over 150 different countries.

We are a diverse community with the freedom and courage to challenge, to question and to think differently.

Through a progressive approach to teaching and research, our world leading academics, curious students and outstanding staff continually pursue excellence, break boundaries and make an impact on real world problems.

WHY UCL: Thinking bigger and disrupting the status quo since 1826

AUCL IMPACT: nnual economic impact comparable to London 2012 Olympics

Who we are

Since 1826, we have championed independent thought by attracting and nurturing the world’s best minds.

UCL is a diverse global community of world-class academics, students, industry links, external partners, and alumni. Our powerful collective of individuals and institutions work together to explore new possibilities.

Academic excellence

  • 2nd in UK for research power (REF 2021)
  • 11 academic faculties
  • 32 Nobel laureates (including 2 new laureates in 2024)
  • 150+ nationalities represented by student body
  • 400+ undergraduate programmes
  • 700+ postgraduate programmes
  • 16,000 staff (in 2023)
  • 51,000 students (in 2023)

Across the globe

Our network of connections span across the globe:

  • 440,000+ alumni in 190 countries
  • 50% international students
  • 34% international staff
  • Partnerships with institutions worldwide

What UCL does

UCL is taking on some of the biggest challenges of our time, and making vital contributions to the public good. Discover more about our strategic goals, key statistics and history.

As set out in UCL 2034, UCL’s strategy is based on the following principal themes:

  • Academic leadership grounded in intellectual excellence
  • A global leader in the integration of research and education, underpinning an inspirational student experience
  • Addressing global challenges through our disciplinary excellence and distinctive cross-disciplinary approach
  • An accessible, publicly engaged organisation that fosters a lifelong community
  • London’s Global University: in London, of London and for London
  • Delivering global impact through a network of innovative international activities, collaborations and partnerships.

In addition to UCL 2034, UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27 sets out our whole-university priorities for the next 5 years, focusing effort and investment on a small number of shared priorities. The plan aims to build on the trajectory established by UCL 2034 and our ambition to be London’s global university.

We are continually making an impact on the world we live in.

An independent report into the university’s economic and social impact, issued in June 2022, found that UCL’s annual impact of £9.9bn across the UK economy is comparable to the trade boost delivered by the London 2012 Olympics. In the latest Research Excellence Framework assessment, REF 2021, UCL came second in research power only to Oxford (1st) and we maintained our position as top in the UK for research power in medicine, health and life sciences as well as social sciences. Read over 170 research impact case studies about how UCL is transforming lives. For more on our achievements, check UCL 2023 annual review.


The UCL History department, which dates back to 1830, is one of the best in the world for history research and teaching. Our rewarding programmes make this an exciting place to study over 5,000 years of history across every continent, from the ancient Middle East to the twenty-first century. We nurture talent irrespective of students’ background and maintain a learning environment in which students are both supported and challenged to achieve their full potential. All of our permanent academic staff engage in their own research while teaching, ensuring that we offer a modern and research-led curriculum.

We are part of the UCL Social and Historical Sciences Faculty.

UCL locations

UCL sits at the heart of one of the most dynamic cities in the world and is committed to being a global leader in knowledge exchange, enterprise and open innovation.

UCL Bloomsbury and UCL East

UCL’s historic campus is in Bloomsbury, central London, with the main Quad on Gower Street. We are continually creating new world-class facilities in our Bloomsbury campus – both through new developments and refurbishing some of our buildings that are rich in heritage.

In addition, in the largest single expansion since UCL was founded nearly 200 years ago, UCL East (at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Stratford)  has now joined our Bloomsbury campus in discovering, co-creating and sharing new knowledge for the benefit of all. The new campus opened in autumn 2022.

Tours and visits

UCL maps

UCL East

university-college-london-campus university-college-london-campus2


As London’s Global University, UCL is working with partners all over the world to achieve fair solutions to global challenges.

  • 250,000 alumni in 190 countries
  • 48% international students
  • 29% of our students studied abroad in 2017/18
  • 35% international staff
  • 150+ Erasmus+ partnerships
  • Partnerships with institutions worldwide

Read more at UCL Global.

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Fees and funding

We know that money can be a worrying topic for most students. We aim to help by setting out clearly and simply what you need to pay for and what support is available to you.

Tuition fees

The level of fee will depend upon whether you’re classed as a UK, Overseas or Islands student – this will be confirmed if you are offered a place at UCL.

UCL’s annual tuition fee covers all elements of your tuition (except any field courses you might have to take), registration and examinations.

However, optional courses taken elsewhere in the University of London may attract an additional fee.

Fees for accommodation are charged separately.

Dual degree programmes

We offer several ‘Dual Degree’ programmes where students spend half of their degree studying at UCL and the other half at a university overseas (these are distinct from Year Abroad or International programmes).

In these cases, fees are payable to UCL for the time spent studying at UCL, and to the other host university for the time spent there.

UK student fees

UCL’s undergraduate fees are currently set at £9,250 for UK students for the first year of study. Fees for UK undergraduates have been frozen at £9,250 for 2024-25, but may be subject to increase for the year commencing 2025 and for each year of study thereafter.

UCL reserves the right to increase its fees in line with government policy (including on an annual basis for each year of study during a programme).

Tuition fee loans

Interest rates


Tuition fees for overseas (international) students

For Overseas undergraduate students only, UCL implemented fixed fees from the academic year 2018 onwards.

The overseas fee values published below, unless otherwise indicated in the programme Notes, are the fees that will be charged to 2024-25 entrants for each year of study on the programme.

For example, if you’re starting the BSc Physics in 2024-25, you’ll pay £37,500 in 2024-25, and £37,500 in 2025-26 and £37,500 in 2026-27.

Entrants in 2025-26 or later (including deferred students) will pay higher fees, which will be published in August 2024.

Fee schedules

Government statement on tuition fees

UCL and Brexit

Programmes with additional costs

Students on certain degree programmes will incur some additional costs not covered by their tuition fee; for example, for specialist equipment, artists’ materials, books or costs related to carrying out fieldwork.

Students on Architecture or Fine Art programmes will need to purchase different materials depending on the nature of their work; students on Earth Sciences or Archaeology programmes will need to buy some specialist tools and may need weather-proof gear.

For students on programmes with an element of fieldwork, there may also be extra costs for travel or a contribution to the department to cover costs.

If possible additional costs concern you, please do not hesitate to contact the department in which you are interested for more details.

Find a UCL faculty

Funding for students on undergraduate courses

There are a number of scholarships available to undergraduate students.

You can use the scholarships finder to search for awards that you might be eligible for. Your academic department may also be able to provide you with more information about funding.


Living expenses

“Average living costs” can be difficult to predict, as every student will have different priorities and lifestyle choices.

However, for a rough idea, there are some estimations below for an undergraduate in UCL halls and any student renting privately in London.

Which? Cost of living calculator

What does it cost to study at UCL?

Working whilst studying

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UCL Global Scholarships

Our UCL Global Scholarships programme provides financial support for international students to attend UCL – London’s Global University.

The UCL Global Scholarships programme supports international students who are from lower income backgrounds. Our goal is to promote access to study at UCL so that our student body remains diverse. These scholarships provide support for living costs and/or tuition fees for the duration of a degree programme. There are separate schemes available for undergraduate and masters study.

UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarship

The UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarship is open to all undergraduate programmes and aims to enable and encourage international students from low income backgrounds to pursue their degree at UCL.

UCL Global Masters Scholarship

The UCL Global Masters Scholarship is open to all taught masters programmes and aims to enable and encourage international students from lower income backgrounds to pursue their degree at UCL.

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The International Office can provide advice for students from overseas and information on a range of issues including fees, English Language requirements, sources of funding and finding accommodation.

Can you send me a copy of the prospectus?

You can download a copy of the prospectus here. If you want us to send you a printed version please send us your details via UCL Plus.

How do I apply for an undergraduate programme?

All undergraduate students in the UK and Overseas have to apply for an undergraduate programme via the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, or UCAS. You will find all the information about applying as an international student and how to track your application the UCAS website.

How do I check you have my undergraduate application?

You can track the progress of your application at the UCAS website. If you have a specific enquiry about your application then you can contact the degree programme’s faculty office. Faculty office contacts

How do I apply for a graduate programme?

Graduate applications must be submitted to UCL Admissions and are processed by the Admissions Office.   Study Abroad Affiliate or Erasmus students must submit their applications by email to,

How do I track or change my graduate application?

If you would like to submit additional information in support of your application or check the status of your application you can e-mail UCL Admissions: or write to:

  • Admissions
  • UCL Registry
  • University College London
  • Gower Street
  • London
  • WC1E 6BT
  • United Kingdom

How do I apply for an Erasmus or Affiliate programme?

Please see this page for information on how to apply for UCL Study Abroad programmes

Affiliate applications: Enquiries concerning Affiliate applications should be sent to

Erasmus applications: UCL’s Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator is Lucy Gaunt (

Entry Requirements

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The UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarship aims to enable and encourage international students from low income backgrounds to pursue full-time Undergraduate degree studies at UCL.

Key information

  • Value: 10 awards of full tuition fees and maintenance allowance, and 23 awards of full tuition fees
  • Available to: Prospective students
  • Selection criteria: Financial need
  • Eligible fee status: Overseas
  • Eligible programmes: All Undergraduate degrees
  • Deadline: 5pm BST, Monday 22 April 2024


Candidates can be from any country outside the UK but must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • be eligible to pay the overseas fee rate;
  • come from a low income background*;
  • AND have submitted an admission application for a full-time Undergraduate degree at UCL in 2024/25.

*Guidance on how UCL defines household income can be found on our essential information page.  Even though UCL classifies ‘lower-income’ as £42,875 or less, this is a guide only and we would still consider your application if your household income is above £42,875.

Value, benefits, and duration

  • There are up to 33 scholarships available in 2024/25 with three full tuition fee awards aimed specifically at students from India.
  • 10 awards of full tuition fees & maintenance allowance, plus fixed allowance for additional costs (e.g. Immigration Health Surcharge & Visa fees); 23 awards of full tuition fees.
  • The scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the programme.
  • Scholarship recipients are obliged to inform the UCL Student Funding Office immediately of any other funding they are awarded towards their UCL Undergraduate degree studies, before or subsequent to the UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarship being awarded.


The scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial need.

How to apply

You need to have submitted an admission application to UCL in order to apply for the scholarship.

While you do not need to have received an offer of admission to be eligible for this scholarship, you will need to have had your fee status confirmed by UCL Admissions. For some students this happens shortly after you apply to the university, but for many this will not happen until just before an offer of admission is made. If you are unable to access the scholarship application form, you may need to wait until UCL has decided whether to make you an admission offer. Please ensure you apply for admission well before the scholarship deadline. Instructions for accessing the online scholarship application form:

  1. Login to Portico with your normal details.
  2. Click on the ‘View’ button for the ‘Active Application’ that you wish to apply for funding for.
  3. In the application screen, click on the ‘Funding’ in the menu at the top of the page.
  4. You are now on the funding page. To find out which funds you are eligible to apply for click ‘Check and apply‘ under ‘Funds Available‘.
  5. Click on the scholarship name of the scheme that you wish to apply for.

NB. For each programme that you wish to apply for funding for, you will need to submit a separate scholarship application form.

For help completing the form please read our UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarship Application Guidance.

The deadline for applications to this scholarship will be at 5pm BST, Monday 22 April 2024.


The UCL Student Funding Office is responsible for the assessment and allocation of awards. Successful candidates for 2024/25 entry will be notified before the UCAS offer reply deadline on 6 June 2024.

Key information

Essential information for all funding scheme applicants

The UCL Global Masters Scholarship aims to enable and encourage international students from lower income backgrounds to pursue full-time Master’s degree studies at UCL.

Key information

  • Value: £15,000 (for one year)
  • Available to: Prospective students
  • Selection criteria: Financial need
  • Eligible fee status: Overseas
  • Eligible programmes: All postgraduate taught
  • Deadline: 5pm BST, Tuesday 7 May 2024


Candidates can be from any country outside the UK but must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • be eligible to pay the Overseas fee rate;
  • come from a lower income background*;
  • AND have submitted a complete admission application (including the submission of references) for a full-time Master’s degree at UCL in 2024/25. Please note: Distance-learning options are not eligible for this fund; students must be coming to the UK to attend UCL in person.

*Guidance on how UCL defines household income can be found on our  essential information page.

Value, benefits, and duration

  • There are up to 85 (eighty-five) scholarships available in 2024/25 with five aimed specifically at students from India.
  • The value of the bursary is £15,000.
  • The scholarship is tenable for one year only unless the full-time programme is 2yrs in length. In that case the scholarship will be paid 50% in each year.
  • The UCL Global Masters Scholarship may be held alongside other scholarships, studentships, awards, or bursaries. The amount of the UCL award may be adjusted depending on the total value of other funds received by the student.
  • Scholarship recipients are obliged to inform the UCL Student Funding Office immediately of any other funding they are awarded towards their UCL Master’s degree studies, before or subsequent to the UCL Global Masters Scholarship being awarded.
  • The scholarship will first be applied to the recipient’s tuition fees, with any remainder payable to the recipient in three equal instalments, throughout the academic year, towards maintenance.


The scholarship is awarded on the basis of financial need and upon the recommendation of the Student Funding Office.

How to apply

Please visit the International Masters Awards page for information on how to apply. The deadline for applications to this scholarship will be at 5pm BST, Tuesday 7 May 2024.


Shortlisted candidates for 2024/25 have now been contacted for financial evidence. All candidates who have not received a request for evidence has, unfortunately, not been successful.

Key information

Essential information for all funding scheme applicants

Meet our Global Masters Scholarship recipients

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Study in the UK: Top Universities, Programs, and Scholarships

The United Kingdom is a world-renowned destination for higher education, offering a diverse selection of prestigious universities, affordable options, and a wide array of programs. Here’s a guide to some of the key aspects to consider when planning to study in the UK.

1. Top UK Universities

The UK is home to many highly ranked universities known for their academic excellence and research facilities:

For those interested in studying in London, consider renowned institutions such as University College London (UCL) and London School of Economics (LSE), as well as universities across the Greater London area, which offer diverse programs in nearly every field.

2. Popular Programs

The UK offers a variety of degree programs across disciplines:

3. Scholarships and Financial Aid

The UK offers numerous scholarships for international students, including options specifically for Indian students:

4. Affordable Education Options

For students seeking affordable education, here are some options:

5. Student Visas and Requirements

To study in the UK, international students typically need a Tier 4 (General) Student Visa. Visa requirements include proof of acceptance from a recognized university, financial resources, and English language proficiency.

6. Living and Studying in the UK

Studying in the UK offers students an opportunity to live in vibrant cities like London, Manchester, and Edinburgh, or in quieter university towns. Most universities provide accommodation options and student support services to help international students adjust to life in the UK.

7. Top Subjects and Specializations

Whether pursuing MS degrees in sciences, LLM in law, or MA in the arts, UK universities cater to diverse academic interests, with programs designed to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

8. Healthcare and MBBS

For those interested in healthcare, the MBBS program in the UK is well-regarded, though the cost can be significant. The UK’s universities offer state-of-the-art facilities and strong clinical training.